Link to the gamejam/information.

March 2nd 2024

Github offically posted.

Febuary 29th 2024

I have finally finished my longest running game jam.
This game has been my most complex game yet. I can't
list the things I learned in this 3 month gamejam.
I hope to use the things learned in this gamejam
for other projects in the future!

Will there be a github?
I am planning to link the github to this page sometime this week.

What are some things you wish you done?
I wish I had a concrete and simple idea. I feel like I was too random
and complex with the whole pathfinding and snapping idea.

Will you update the game?
Nah. The code for the game is currently too bulky and confusing currently.

Febuary 28th 2024

I have posted my game here.
I have spent all night making my game web-accessable because
compling raylib for web has always been hell.Because of this fact,
I will be doing my muring tomorrow. There is no images and sound because
of a goofy glitch that this guy details here.

Febuary 24th 2024

I learned about how my nodes generate
with my maps. It does a segmentation error
if my enemy spawns in an "unalive" node.
I have started doing 1 pagers to layout my games
as they also give me motivation to work on them.

I am starting to learn where my motivation to code
comes from ,and how to keep working on my games.

Febuary 19th 2024

Fixed simple texture bug.
Player rotates based on direction.

Febuary 10th 2024

I have finally fixed my c program.
APPARENTLY if you don't set your arrays and
variables to 0 in c it will just grab some random ahh
number from the computers RAM. This was causing my code to
crash even though I though I had no infinate loops.
However, for an for loop a variable was getting randomly
set to a high number because I didn't set something to 0.

The point of all this? I can finally work on my game!

Febuary 4rth 2024

I got rid of alot of includes in my files.
My vscode sometimes compiles and sometimes doesn't.
I hope this change will help me find this bug.

January 29th 2024

Managed to make an enemy use pathfinding
while somehow keeping my sanity intact.
You will know what I mean when I share the
github at the end of the jam.

January 28th 2024

I integrated pathfinding into my game.

The player is supposed to be a car. The white squares are blocks
and the green squares are whats processed to get the final product
of which is the yellow squares (the path). I have plans to make an
enemy that uses this pathfinding.

January 27th 2024

This might've taken longer than the proposed day I stated in
my last update. However, I did manage to do pathfinding with nodes
finally. I have included the source code in a github repository.
In the repositories readme I included some videos that basically carried
this project.
Please note I am using a square pattern instead of hexagons, as squares
are WAY easier to do on a low level graphics library like raylib. I hope
in the future I don't take as long to update this website because I feel
like I'm making great progress on this game.

This image showcases a path from node 10 to 49. My algorithm consists of processing
nodes around the starting node until it reaches the goal node. Then I backtrack from
the goal node to the starting node using only processed nodes ,as I want the most
efficient path possible.

January 8th 2024

I will be working on A* pathfinding.
I will make a more indepth update by the 14th.

December 31 2023

These past few days I have been working.
I make walking sounds, music, and a basic lidar
system. I did attempt to learn raycasting ,but I just
used my bullet script and called it a day.

December 28 2023

I'm ready to start working on this project again.
I haven't updated in a month because I was working on a
secret santa gamejam. I have already made a very basic
music stream library. Let me know in the chatbox if you guys
need source code for any of my projects.

November 27 2023

Today I heavily experimented with makefiles.
My current file hierarchy goes mostly like this.

The problem that I fixed was including all the header
and c files without listing them individually.
I did this in my makefile thanks to the following code.

// Add all the c files in the c folder
OBJS2 ?= $(wildcard source/files/*c)
// Add the headers directory. I can now include headers easily.
// EXAMPLE: #include "map.h" instead of #include "long directory/map.h"
CFLAGS += -Isource/headers

November 26 2023

I made a more dynamic map system. I just put the map data in a seperate file and used char array pointers.

// Initialize map.
static char *map0[]={

// Store map data in an array for convinience.
char **mapList[]={map0,map1};

// Get map with an integer value.
char **map=mapList[current];

November 17 2023

I will try to explain how I made a snapping mechanic
because there was some challenging parts to this.
How my snapping mechanic works is it creates an area
whenever I press my "snapping" key. I then store this
area for use in showing the borders.
When drawing this "ping area", I check which sides of the
map are colliding ,and I do some insane math. I made a seperate
function which would get the position change and the size change so
the borders of the tiles are displayed properly.

}else if(rec1.x+rec1.width>rec2.x+rec2.width){
}else if(rec1.x>rec2.x&&rec1.x+rec1.width<rec2.x+rec2.width){

I would like to note that this is only for the x position and
width for the top and bottom borders. As you can see, this took
alot of tweaking because of the if statements and math involved.
If you have any questions ask in the chatbox. Bye!

November 15 2023

QUICK UPDATE: I have finished my snapping mechanic.
Due to real life, I am planning on releasing a better development
note sometime tomorrow or on friday. Thank you for reading.

November 5 2023

Hello its been awhile. I finally got
some map loading and character collision working.
I did take some code from my slime flower game in
order to get this working. However, this time I divided
the functions between files. This makes coding alot easier.
I might start work on my snapping mechanic next.

October 27 2023

I spent today improving movement (again).
I will absolutely be working on map loading
tomorrow. I am hoping to load my maps from the code
instead of a text file.

October 26 2023

Hello I am back! I have finally started on my project,and
I am happy to anounce character movement. I still need to tweak
some values,but it is all there.I will spend tommorrow making the movement
better and maybe start work on map loading!

October 23 2023

Due to outside work I will be working on this at an later date.
I will update the page when I can finally work on the game!

October 22 2023

I have started this project. The idea is to make a game where
you have to snap your fingers to see the map. I'm really interested
in this idea and hope to update it further. I have already started my
outline and hope to keep you updated.